Prof. Dr. Mohammad Zahiruddin
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Medicine, Chest Diseases, Rheumatology & Diabetes Specialist
MBBS, FCPS (Medicine), MD (Internal Medicine), FACP (USA), FRCP (UK)
Former Professor
Sir Salimullah Medical College & Mitford Hospital
Address: House # 48, Road # 9/A, Dhanmondi, Dhaka - 1209
Appointment: +8809610010615
Patint/Day: 30 (New)
Visiting Hour
6pm to 9pm (Sat, Mon & Wed)
Address: House # 16, Road # 2, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka - 1205
Appointment: +8809613787801
Patint/Day: 30 (New)
Visiting Hour
6pm to 9pm (Sun, Tue & Thu)