Prof. Dr. Ayesha Rafiq Chowdhury
1 1 Ratings
Cardiology & Medicine Specialist
MBBS, MRCP (UK), FCPS (Medicine), MD (Cardiology), Fellow (Interventional Cardiology)
Professor & Head
Jalalabad Ragib-Rabeya Medical College & Hospital
out of
|1 global ratings
This doctor has no respect to the policies of Ibn Sina, Sylhet. While booking appointment, she add two or more patients in one single serial number i. e. if you have serial number 3 as a patient, you have to wait until four patient's visiting(at least) is done because number 1 has two patients and number two has two patients. Thus I got to visit her after 3 more hours than the given time (Visiting Hour Given 5.00 pm, Actual Visit Time 8.00 pm). When I went to complain about this mismanagement to the Administration, the designated officer told me that she is the only one who does not respect the hospital policy of Ibn Sina & being native to Sylhet, she has the power not to follow the regulations. Moreover, I have never seen no doctor prescribes an injection (antibiotics) before the pathological tests are done but she has given test and prescribe antibiotics and told me to come after two days with test report. What good of test report if she already prescribed antibiotics at the first place. I definitely don't recommend her & suggest to find a doctor who graduated from public medical college. Do not fall for some London based degrees after their names because these are pieces of cake for people who are Sylheti and who has money to invest.
Address: Sobhani Ghat Point, Mirabazar-Subhanighat Road, Sylhet
Appointment: +8809636300300
Patint/Day: 30 (New)
Visiting Hour
4pm to 9pm (Closed: Friday)