Dr. Md. Shahadat Hoshen
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Medicine, Rheumatology, Chest Diseases, Diabetes & Thyroid Specialist
MBBS, BCS (Health), FCPS (Medicine), MACP (USA)
Assistant Professor
Sher-E-Bangla Medical College & Hospital
Address: K Jahan Center, House # 106, Sadar Road, Barisal
Appointment: +8801766663305
Patint/Day: 30 (New)
Visiting Hour
3.30pm to 6.30pm & 9.30pm to 11am (Closed: Friday)
Address: Band Road, Chandmari, Barisal – 8200
Appointment: +8801810000121
Patint/Day: 30 (New)
Visiting Hour
7pm to 9pm (Closed: Friday)