Dr. Md. Mahbubur Rahman
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Newborn, Child Diseases & Nutrition Specialist
MBBS (RMC), DCH (BSMMU), MSc (Nutrition, DU), Phd Fellow (DU), FCPS (P2)
Associate Professor
Dhaka Shishu Hospital
Pabna Shishu Hospital & Mattriseba
Address: Meril Bypass Road, Shalgaria, Pabna – 6600
Patint/Day: 30 (New)
Visiting Hour
3pm to 10pm (Only Thursday)
Address: Meril Bypass Road, Shalgaria, Pabna – 6600
Appointment: +8801894426720
Patint/Day: 30 (New)
Visiting Hour
3pm to 10pm (Only Thursday)