Dr. Md. Habibur Rahman
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Headache, Stroke, Brain, Spine & Neurology Specialist
MBBS, BCS (Health), MD (Neurology)
Assistant Professor
National Institute of Neurosciences & Hospital
Super Medical Hospital, Savar
Address: Near Razzak Plaza, B-119/3, Jaleshwar, Savar, Dhaka
Patint/Day: 30 (New)
Visiting Hour
4pm to 8pm (Sat, Tue & Thu) & 10am to 8pm (Fri)
Address: Near Razzak Plaza, B-119/3, Jaleshwar, Savar, Dhaka
Appointment: +8801711266169
Patint/Day: 30 (New)
Visiting Hour
4pm to 8pm (Sat, Tue & Thu) & 10am to 8pm (Fri)