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Dr. Mohammad Yusuf Harun

0 Ratings
Orthopedics Trauma & Spine Specialist
MBBS, CCD ( Birdem ), D.Ortho (BSMMU-Former IPGMR), A.O Spine Member (Switzerland)

Assistant Professor, Dept. of Orthopedics Trauma & Spine (Orthopedic Surgery)

U.S Bangla Medical College & Hospital

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Dr. Md. Abdul Awal

0 Ratings
Orthopedics (Bone, Joint, Arthritis, Trauma) & Spine Surgeon
MBBS, BCS (Health), MS (Ortho Surgery), Fellowship in Spine Surgery (Korea)

Consultant (Spine Surgery)

Rajshahi Medical College & Hospital

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Dr. M. A. Hannan

0 Ratings
Orthopedics (Bone, Joint, Arthritis, Spine) Specialist Surgeon
MBBS, BCS (Health), MS (ORTHO), FICS (USA), APSS Spine Fellow (India)

Consultant (Orthopedics)

Sylhet MAG Osmani Medical College & Hospital

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Prof. Dr. Md. Abdur Rob

0 Ratings
Orthopedics (Bone, Joint, Injury, Accident Trauma) Specialist & Spine Surgeon
MBBS, MS (ORTHO), Fellow, Spine Surgery (USA)

Professor (Orthopedic Surgery)

National Institute of Traumatology & Orthopedic Rehabilitation

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